Thursday, July 29, 2010

City of Charlotte thinks we're doing a good job

So, I'm very excited about the progress that has been made in the last week (or so)... Here it is in a nut shell. The last couple days have been especially nice, and the fun part is getting closer.

Here's the scoop...
  • All sub contractors completed their rough ins for their inspections.
  • Kevin and carpenters finished framing, added roof over back door, covered crawl space in plastic wrap, sealed around windows, boxed in the rafter tails...
  • Electrical inspection was supposed to be last Friday. Inspector didn't show until Saturday, but we passed!
  • Plumbing passed on Monday
  • Framing passed on Tuesday
  • Duke Energy cut power to take care of trees. Subs didn't care for that.
  • Duke Energy buried lines to house, tore up yard.
  • Waiting for mechanical inspection, should be this coming tomorrow or Monday.
  • Front of roof is all shingled up and they're doing the back tomorrow (fingers crossed)

Coming up next week, we will insulate on Monday and then we're off to siding and dry wall! Now for the photos...

1.) The shot below was taken this afternoon. Not great photography, but this shows the shingles they finished on the front of the roof.
2.) This is a little roof over the back door. We will install a small light in the "ceiling."
3.) Here's the back, but I took this before the little roof over back door addition. The last windows were placed. I think the one at the top is a little small, but live and learn. We own it, so we'll live. It wasn't the first thing that didn't go according to plan and it won't be the last. See previous post on importance of patience - should add flexibility to the list!

4.) This is taken in the hallway at the top of the stairs looking toward the back yard. This shows a different shot of the window that is too small. We're going to hang a lantern like light in this staircase. The blue boxes in the picture are receptacle and cable locations.

5.) This shot is courtesy of Matt (as is the title of this post). This is taken shooting from the back bedroom toward the front of the house. Note the the VERY heavy cast iron tub is in place. You should have seen the plumber's face when I told him I didn't want a plastic tub! This also shows a lot of the pipes and wires.
6.) Here's another of the same bathroom. Not sure why this picture is in here again. The white ring on the floor to the left of the tub is where the toilet will go. The aluminum fixture is one of Emily's victories. There's a cool new fixture out there now that looks like a recessed can, but it also has a ventilation fan built in so you don't have to see the fan. It's a little thing, but it makes me happy. **For the record it wasn't an Emily victory over Matt it was over the electrician and HVAC subs.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVVVVVEEEE the progress EM!!! Thank you so much for updating, I seriously check every other day! :)
