Monday, June 14, 2010

Dog Days of Summer...

So this past week wasn't as productive as we had hoped. We had a wave of sickness and illness take the crew down. We had one hospitalized, another w. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and another w. Sinusitis. Luckily, they're on the up and up now, but nothing happened Tuesday through Thursday. They were back Friday and half days Saturday and Sunday. In addition to illness, we had an extremely hot and humid weekend.

Matt was out of town, so I was monitoring progress. Nothing bad happened. I did realize that there are 2 windows that need to be moved, but nothing that can't be fixed.

In other exciting news, we're going to get our first draw to pay the guys and pay down our credit card on Friday. We're working on the paper work so that goes as smoothly as possible. It's amazing how money motivates everyone. Spirits are high around the job site right now, which is pleasant. I'm afraid that since the guys haven't been paid yet, they're going to be M.I.A. once they get a some money in their pockets. Time will tell.

The photos don't show what we were expecting to see by now, but progress is still being made and everyone is feeling better!

Tomorrow will be fun. We're supposed to meet with the electrician to go over placement of all electrical as it relates to lights, fans, outlets, switches, etc..

1. This is a view from inside the large dormer on the front of the house.

2. Another view from inside the gable. It's really neat in there. So far it's my favorite room!
3. This is the view from the back. They've started the house wrap. They haven't cut out all of the windows yet.
4. Street view. It's amazing how it's grown. More house wrap and the dormer is completely framed. Sheathing the roof is supposed to start tomorrow. Hopefully the thunderstorms will hold off until late afternoon.

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