Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well, I don't think a house is ever finished, but it's darn close. We had the front porch painted, which was long over due, but looks better. Today we had a long day of yard work to get it looking better outside. When we were in Nashville the Bramwells divided some of their day lilies and gave us some, which was great! We thought there would be 6 plants, but we divided them again to get 12 so we planted all of those. We spread over 20 bags of mulch and I finally convinced Matt that the Hokie flag should come down until August. Here's the latest...

1.) From the road. On the right, we added flagstone because everything we've planted in that spot gets trampled.

2.) From the back...

3.) Close up of the front. Can't wait until the day lilies bloom.

4.) No, this isn't an add for direct TV (I hate that dish there, I'm going to get it moved to the roof). We spread mulch all along the back and planted some (you guessed it... day lilies)

Happy Spring!